in*die zine September 2020
A5, black & white, staple-bound. New.
Welcome to in*die zine, a new tabletop roleplaying zine of high-quality indie content!
Here's what you can find in this issue:
The In*die Network - A manifesto on in*die zine’s mission (Author: Zoe)
Exodus - A game for 3-5 players about standing together when it all falls apart (Author: Andrew Grondin)
The Lonely Giant - A solo journaling game about the last giant living in the lands of humankind (Author: Nick Wedig)
HyperHalfling's Loot Tables - System-agnostic tables of unique and special treasures (Author: The Hyper Halfling)
The Last Rebel - A GM-less, card-based RPG where you play as the galaxy’s last hope (Author: W.H. Arthur)
Première Partie - A collection of characters from *Les Miserables* as a single tabletop move (Author: Logan)
A Wood Heart - Trees have no tongues; but they speak to the heart (Author: James Chip)
Rolling in the Aisles - General advice for running comedic RPG adventures (Author: Dave Joria)
Loot it or Lose it - Special items you might find left behind in any capitalist/consumer hellscape (Author: Sam Gundaker)
Two // One - A lyric game about posing and taking selfies as a thirty ton mecha (Author: Vivian J)
The Maven Guide - Drop-in locations for your RPG, written in a restaurant review format (Author: Alda)
Artefact Affinity - GM-less worldbuilding that uses a tarot deck to inspire scenes from an artifact’s history (Author: Nathan Blades)
Die20! - Why dice are cancelled forever (Author: Julian K)
Gifts of Gods - A one-page RPG about mythology and dying gods (Author: Steve Dee)
Songs and Poems for Yon Adventures - For the bard in you (Author: Sen.H.H.S)
The Summoning - A solo game about a familiar answering a call (Author: Nynphaiel)
Red Box Dawn : The Ballad of Bargle - A retrospective piece on the trauma inflicted on a generation by the Red Box (Author: Andi Lennon)
Subject 3 Prone - A lyric game inspired by the short film This House Has People In It (Author: Georgie Bats)