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The Dragon's Hoard (Issue #32)

The Dragon's Hoard (Issue #32)



Magic, Monsters, and More! The Dragon's Hoard is a monthly anthology of magic items, spells, monsters, and more for your 5th Edition campaign! Each issue of The Dragon's Hoard takes every new magic item, spell, monster, or other new rules content from our ongoing Legendary Loot Patreon and presents it for you, with dozens of new elements beautifully illustrated and ready to unleash on your players! In this month's features you'll find: The Treasure Trove, featuring magnificent magical items like the flaring wand, rhino shield, grave balm, and mask of the blood-drinker! Basker's Books, featuring new spells for every 5E spellcasting class like cutting curse, icicle eruption, sonic rumble, and field of ghouls! Special Materials, featuring new item rules for ultra-durable nanoweave, psychically resonant orium, and more! Marvelous Monsters, featuring killer creatures across every challenge level like the majestic omek tannou, the cruel moon hag, and the sinister brain in a jar!


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